Thursday, January 20, 2011

( Post #01 ) Effective Communication Skills

            How might effective communication skills be important for me? Let me list thy ways. Humans are highly social creatures - no one is an island as the proverb goes for our species thrives on camaraderie. And seeing that knowledge is power, what could be more “powerful” than the effective exchange of information and sharing of ideas. Let us not forget that one of the reasons for the fall of Singapore to the Japanese in the Second World War was the miscommunication of orders within the ranks of the defending British Army.
            As a physicist, I have found it necessary at times to explain or write on various concepts for my assignments and will likely have to write a lengthy paper on a topic of my choosing for my Final Year Project when the time comes. These concepts are oftentimes difficult enough to understand due to their mathematical complexity without the added confusion of ineffective communication.
            Furthermore, since one career option I am presently considering is teaching, being able to effectively convey information with all 7Cs fulfilled is all the more important for me. Equally important for a teacher is the mastering of EQ and active listening as many of us have at some point in time or another been guilty of rambling on and on without being aware enough of our audience to realise that we have lost them. Finally, important too is the willingness to accept criticism, a quality lacking in many a teacher, as it is through feedback that we improve.
            In concluding, I acknowledge that the potential practical applications of effective communication skills in my life as discussed above are specific but not exhaustive. Such skills are also applicable outside of work and school, to our everyday lives. Indeed, I might even go so far as to say that it is an essential and integral part of being able to properly interact with society and to live life to the fullest.